About the USMC Recruit Training Matrix
The recruit training matrix shows what your recruit is doing each day of boot camp. To receive a print copy of the matrix, click RecruitParents.com/MX.
- For Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island (MCRD PI) training matrix terminology explained, click here.
- For Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego (MCRD SD) training matrix terminology explained, click here.
Matrix Terminology Explained
To learn how to receive a print copy of the matrix, click RecruitParents.com/MX.
- Academic Classes: Classroom instruction. Recruits are taught Marine Corps knowledge, customs and courtesies, among an abundance of information relating to the Marine Corps.
- COD: Close Order Drill
- Physical Training: Recruits take part in exercise, whether it be running, agility, push ups, and pull ups.
- H/CUT - 1(F): 1st haircut- follow series
- H/CUT - 1(L): 1st haircut- lead series
- MCMAP: Marine Corps Martial Arts Program
- Religious Services: Recruits are given time on Sundays to practice their religion. This gives them a chance to catch their breath and take a break from Drill Instructors.
- Academics Practical App: Recruits put to practice what they learn in the classroom.
- Core Values Guided Discussion (CVGDs): Recruits are taught about the core values of the Marine Corps, honor, courage, and commitment.
- Pugil Sticks I (L/F): 1st Pugil Sticks bout- lead and follow series
- Direct Deposit: Recruits set up their direct deposit accounts and are taught about other financial options they may have.
- (Fe) Dental Recall (R1): Female recruits 1st dental recall
- (Fe) Dental Recall (R2): Female recruits 2nd dental recall
- (M) Dental Recall (R1)-L: Male recruits 1st dental recall- lead series
- (M) Dental Recall (R1)-F: Male recruits 2nd dental recall- follow series
- H/CUT - 2(L/F): 2nd haircut- lead and follow series
- MCX - 1(L/F): 1st Marine Corps Exchange visit- lead and follow series
- 5k Hike: Recruits take part in their first hike of training which is 5 km in distance.
- Confidence Crs1 (L/F): 1st attempt at the confidence course- lead and follow series
- Obstacle Crs1(F/B): 1st attempt at the obstacle course- follow series
- Initial Travel (Male): Male recruits make their initial travel plans at SATO.
- (Fe) Dental Recall (R3): Female recruits 3rd dental recall
- Gas Chamber: Recruits train using their gas masks.
- Rappel Tower: Recruits learn how to rappel.
- Pugil Sticks II (L): 2nd pugil sticks bout- lead series
- (Fe) Dental Recall (R4): Female recruits 4th dental recall
- H/CUT - 3(F): 3rd haircut- follow series
- Obstacle Crs -1(L): 1st attempt at the obstacle course- lead series
- MCMAP End (F/Fe): MCMAP Endurance- follow series and female recruits
- (Fe) Dental Recall (R5): Female recruits 5th dental recall
- H/CUT - 3(L): 3rd haircut- lead series
- MCMAP End Crs1(L): MCMAP Endurance- lead series
- Pugil Sticks II (F/Fe): 2nd pugil sticks bout- follow series and female recruits
- (M) Dental (R2) L/F: Male recruits 2nd dental recall- lead and follow series
- 8k Hike: Recruits take part in the second hike 8 km in distance
- SerCom Inspection: Series Commander inspection.
- Initial Drill: First close order drill competition. Recruits are judged on what they have learned about drill so far.
- Initial Travel (Fe): Female recruits make their initial travel plans.
- MCX - 2(Fe): 2nd Marine Corps Exchange visit- female recruits
- S.A.F.E. Swim Class: Recruits are given safety instructions before starting swim testing.
- Water Survival: Recruits are taught different water survival methods.
- MCX-2(M): 2nd Marine Corps Exchange visit- male recruits
- Thrift Savings Plan, Blended Retirement Systems: Recruits are taught about the Thrift Savings Plan and blended retirement systems.
- Inventory CFT: Recruits take part in a practice combat fitness test (CFT).
- (M) Dental (R3) L/F: Male recruits 3rd dental recall- lead and follow series
- MCMAP Testing: Recruits are tested on the MCMAP training they have learned.
- Blood Drive: Recruits are given the option of taking part in a blood drive.
- Bayonet Assault Crs: Recruit take part in the bayonet assault course with their rifles and bayonets.
- Dental Surgery (R4(L)): Male recruits 4th dental recall- surgery if required- lead series
- H/CUT - 4: 4th haircut
- PFI-1 (L+Fe): Pre-firing inspection- lead series and female recruits
- Dental Surgery (R4(F)): Male recruits 4th dental recall- surgery if required- follow series
- 0-2 Clothing: Recruits have an initial fitting for uniforms.
- Indiv Photo (L): Individual dress blues photo- lead series
- Innoculations-2: Recruits receive a round of shots at medical.
- Dental Surgery (R5(L)): Male recruits 5th dental recall- surgery if required- lead series
- Indiv Photo (F): Individual dress blues photo- follow series
- Dental Surgery (R5(F)): Male recruits 5th dental recall- surgery if required- follow series
- Written Exam: Recruits take a written exam testing the knowledge they have learned so far.
- Indiv Photo (Fe): Individual dress blues photo- female recruits
- PFI-1 (F): Pre-firing inspection- follow series
- Dental Make-up: Recruits who have missed appointments will go to dental.
- 10k Hike: Recruits take part in their 3rd hike 10 km in distance.
- H/CUT - 5: 5th haircut
- Final Drill: Recruits compete in the final drill competition, testing their close order drill skills.
- Inventory PFT: Recruits take part in a practice physical fitness test (PFT).
- H/CUT - 6: 6th haircut
- Table 1 Re-qual: Recruits who did not qualify on Table 1 of the rifle range attempt to requalify.
- 12k Hike: Recruits take part in the 4th hike 12 km in distance.
- Museum Visit: Recruits visit the Marine Corps Museum on the depot.
- Foreign Language Program: Recruits who speak multiple languages are informed of the Marine Corps Foreign Language Program.
- Work Parties: Recruits help make targets for the range, pick up shell casings, etc.
- BWT (Follow/Female): Basic Warrior Training- follow series and female recruits
- Table 2 (Lead): Recruits take part in the second course of fire during firing week- lead series
- 0-2 Uniform Delivery: Fitted uniforms are delivered.
- BWT (Lead): Basic Warrior Training- lead series
- Table2 Follow/Female: Recruits take part in the second course of fire during firing week- follow series and female recruits.
- Combat End Crs: Combat Endurance Course
- 0-3 Clothing (L/FeA): Recruits have final fittings for uniforms- lead series and female recruits group A
- Tempo Run (F/FeB): Recruits take part in a tempo run- follow series and female recruits group B.
- 0-3 Clothing (F/FeB): Recruits have final fittings for uniforms- follow series and female recruits group B.
- Tempo Run (L/FeA): Recruits take part in a tempo run- lead series and female recruits group A.
- H/CUT - 7(L): 7th haircut- lead series
- Final CFT (F/FeB): Recruits take the final combat fitness test- follow series and female recruits group B.
- Final Travel (L:) Recruits make final travel plans- lead series.
- H/CUT - 7(F): 7th haircut- follow series
- Final CFT (L/FeA): Recruits take the final combat fitness test- lead series and female recruits group A.
- Final Travel (F/FeA): Recruits make their final travel plans- follow series- and female recruits group A.
- MCX - 3(F): 3rd Marine Corps Exchange visi- follow series
- Foreign Language Testing: Recruits who wish to take part in the foreign language program are tested.
- Final Travel (FeB): Recruits make their final travel plans- female recruits group B.
- MCX - 3 (L/Fe): 3rd Marine Corps Exchange- lead series and female recruits
- Co Cmdr Inspection: Company Commander Inspection
- Final Exam/ Prac App: Recruits take their final written exams and their practical application exams.
- Final PFT: Recruits take part in their final physical fitness test.
- H/CUT - 8 (L/F): 8th haircut- lead and follow series
- Final Testing Retest: Recruits who failed the written and prac app exams attempt the tests again.
- Emblem Ceremony: Recruits become Marines at the end of the Crucible and receive their Eagle, Globe, and Anchors.
- Warrior Breakfast: Marines take part in a big breakfast where they are served a variety of foods.
- Base Liberty 1: Marines are given a period of liberty on base.
- 0-3 Uniform Del: Marines are given their uniforms.
- NFCU/FSNB Check: Marines are taught about different credit unions and banks.
- H/CUT - 9: 9th haircut
- Force fitness: Marines take part in a week's worth of fitness activities.
- Dental (R6(L))(R6(Fe)): 6th dental recall- lead series and female recruits
- Dental (R6(F))(R7(Fe)): Male Marines 6th dental recall- follow series. 7th dental recall for female Marines.
- Gear De-Issue: Marines turn in their gear.
- Personal Effects: Marines receive their personal effects that were turned in when boot camp started.
- Travel Makeup: Marines who missed the chance to make their final travel plans will go to SATO.
- Dental(R7(L/F))(R8(Fe)): Male Marines 7th dental recall- lead and follow series. 8th dental recall for female Marines.
- MCCS Resources/ NMCRS/Red Cross Brief: Marines are briefed about Marine Corps Community Services/Navy Marine Corps Relief Society and Red Cross.
- BN CO Inspection: Battalion Commander Inspection
- Field Meet: All Marines get together for a series of physical fitness activities.
- Base Liberty II: Marines receive a 2nd period of on base liberty.
- H/CUT - 10: 10th haircut.
- Weapons De-Issue: Marines return their weapons.
- Orders/SRB/RLS: Marines are taught about their orders and service record books.
- Pay Bills (Fe): Instruction on paying bills- female Marines.
- Pay Bills (F): Instruction on paying bills- follow series.
- Pay Bills (L): Instruction on paying bills- lead series.
- MOT RUN: Motivational run
- Family Day: Newly minted Marines see their families for the first time in 3 months.
- Graduation Practice: Marines practice for graduation the next day.
- Graduation: Marines graduate boot camp and begin their 10 day leave.
- Initial Strength Test: Recruits attempt a test similar to the physical fitness test (PFT) but with lower standards.
- In House Procedures: Recruits begin all paperwork necessary at the beginning of boot camp.
- Religious Services: Recruits are given the opportunity on Sunday to practice their religion. This gives them an opportunity to catch their breath and take a break from Drill Instructors.
- S.U.L.D.: Squad Unit Leader Development Program
- Intro to Core Values: Recruits are taught about the core values honor, courage, and commitment.
- M16 Issue: Recruits are issued their weapons that they'll use throughout boot camp.
- Sprints: Recruits take part in sprint exercises.
- SAPR class: Sexual Assault Prevention and Response.
- Intro to MCMAP: Recruits are introduced to the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program
- Circuit Course/ Combat Care I: Recruits take part in the circuit course and are instructed on the basics of combat care.
- Intro to O- Course: Recruits are introduced to the obstacle course.
- Intro to CFT/Combat Care II: Recruits are introduced to the combat fitness test (CFT) and get their second lesson in combat care.
- 4x400 Intervals/ Combat Care III: Recruits take part in an interval based fitness event and get a 3rd lesson in combat care.
- Bayonet Techniques/Pugil Sticks I: Recruits learn bayonet techniques with their rifles and participate in their first pugil sticks bout.
- Obstacle Course II: Recruits attempt the obstacle course for the 2nd time.
- 2 Mile S&E Course/Platoon Run: Recruits conduct a strength and endurance course teaching them teamwork and they participate in a platoon run.
- Confidence Course I: Recruits run through the confidence course to build the self-confidence of the recruits.
- 2x400m Sprints and Circuit Course: Recruits conduct sprints and run through a series of circuits for conditioning.
- Admin/ID Cards: Recruits receive their ID cards
- Combat Conditioning: Recruits conduct conditioning for MCMAP
- SDI Inspection: Recruits are inspected by their Senior Drill Instructors.
- 2.5 mile S&E Ability Group Run: Recruits participate in a strength and endurance group run designed to improve teamwork.
- Initial Drill: Recruits are judged on the close order drill techniques they have learned so far.
- Combat Water Survival: Recruits are taught water survival tips throughout swim week.
- Confidence Course II: Recruits run the confidence course for the 2nd time.
- Pugil Sticks II: Recruits participate in their 2nd pugil sticks bout.
- Individual Photos: Individual dress blues photos.
- PFT I: Recruits will run their initial physical fitness test.
- Academic Review: Recruits review the knowledge they have learned so far.
- O-Course III: Recruits run the obstacle course for the 3rd time.
- Log Drills: Recruits run a course while carrying a log on their shoulders. This is to promote teamwork among the recruits.
- First Uniform Fitting: Recruits are fitted initially for their uniforms.
- MCX-Haircuts: Recruits take their first visit to the Marine Corps Exchange and get haircuts.
- Initial CFT: Recruits run their initial Combat Fitness Test.
- 5k Hike: Recruits participate their first hike 5 km in distance.
- PFT II: Recruits run their 2nd physical fitness test
- BAC/Pugil Sticks III: Recruits run the bayonet assault course and participate in their 3rd pugil sticks bout.
- Prac Written Exam I: Recruits take their first written exam, testing their knowledge.
- Admin/Orders: Recruits learn how to read their orders.
- Series Cmdr Inspection: Recruits are inspected by their Series Commander.
- Uniform Issue: Recruits are issued their uniforms.
- Final Drill/Move to WFTBN: Recruits conduct final drill, testing their skills in close order drill. Recruits move to Weapons and Field Training Battalion at Camp Pendleton.
- RCO Issue: Recruits are issued Rifle Combat Optics prior to Grass Week.
- 8k Hike: Recruits participate in a hike 8 km in distance.
- MCMAP Remediation: Recruits struggling with MCMAP are given an opportunity to get extra instruction.
- Qualification Day: Recruits qualify for Table I on the rifle range.
- Final CFT: Recruits take their final Combat Fitness Test.
- Prac Written Exam II: Recruits take their 2nd written test.
- SATO ticket issue: Recruits make their travel plans for after graduation.
- Confidence Chamber: Recruits train with their gas masks in the gas chamber.
- 6k Night Hike: Recruits conduct a night hike 6 km in distance.
- Copeland's Assault Course: Recruits conduct this course to help instill a combat mindset. Recruits conduct many different courses throughout the Crucible.
- 15k Reaper Hike: Recruits conduct the 15 km up the mountain named the Reaper. Completing this hike marks the end of the Crucible.
- Emblem Ceremony: Recruits become Marines and receive their Eagle, Globe, and Anchors.
- Gear De-Issue: Marines return their issued gear.
- Movement to MCRD: Marines return to MCRD San Diego from Camp Pendleton.
- Force Fitness: Marines conduct physical fitness activities throughout the week.
- 2nd Uniform Fitting: Marines are fitted for their uniforms a 2nd time.
- Blood Drive: Marines are given the opportunity to take part in a blood drive.
- Museum Visit: Marines visit the Marine Corps Museum aboard MCRD.
- MCMAP Test: Marines are tested on their MCMAP skills.
- PFT III: Marines conduct their final physical fitness test.
- Rappel/Fast Rope: Marines are trained on the rappel tower.
- Company Cmdr's Base Depot Tour: Civilian groups take a base tour with the Company Commander.
- Base Liberty: Marines are given a period of time for base liberty.
- Grad Practice: Marines practice for graduation.
- SOI/MCT Brief: Marines are briefed on what to expect when they arrive at the School of Infantry (SOI).
- Liberty Brief: Marines are briefed on what they are allowed to do during Family Day, as well as the rules and regulations while on 10 day leave.
- Warrior Preservation: Marines are given a lesson on preserving the history and traditions of the Marine Corps.
- Bn Cmdr's Inspection: Marines are inspected by the Battalion Commander.
- Weapons De-Issue: Marines return their weapons to the armory.
- Moto Run: Marines take part in the motivational run.
- Family Day: Marines see their family for the first time in 3 months.
- Graduation: Marines graduate boot camp and begin 10 day leave.