Prac App Test & Written Testing
Recruits spend a great deal of time in the classroom during recruit training and, during weeks 10 and 11 of boot camp, they must prove they have retained the abundance of information they were taught. Recruits must perform a Final Practical Application Test, as well as a Final Written Academic Test.
Recruits will spend many hours inside the classroom preparing for a final practical application test, as well as a final written academic test. These tests cover a variety of topics covered during their 13-week long training.
Final Practical Application Test
The final practical application test is a series of test events in which recruits are required to demonstrate their knowledge and mastery of the subject.
These areas include:
- First Aid skills
- Customs and Courtesies (like saluting or boarding a ship)
- Marine Corps Uniform and rank identification
- Weapons assembly and disassembly
Final Written Academic Test
The final written academic test is the second of two written tests recruits take during their training. Recruits must pass both the practical application test and the written test in order to progress in training and to be able to graduate.
Recruits are tested across the spectrum of what they have been taught in training.
Test material includes:
- Core values and ethics
- First Aid
- Military History
- Customs and Courtesies
- Marine Corps Uniforms
- Leadership
- Marine Corps Policy and Organization
- BWT (Basic Warrior Training) subjects like land navigation and hand and arm signals
- Marksmanship
Above information found on the Parris Island web site, October, 2009.