Interference During Recruit Training for Marine Corps Bootcamp
The organization MarineParents.com, Inc. discourages any interference with recruit training, including but not limited to photos of recruits in training, attendance at pep rallies or bus rallies, sending care packages to recruits, attendance at Sunday services with recruits, and/or attendance at any public function recruits as a group may be involved with as a platoon or company outside the normal Family Day and Graduation Ceremony held at MCRD.
We discourage all outside interference with the lengthy history of recruit training. The Marines in charge of recruit training know full well the repercussions of straying from the prescribed formulas of training. Marines become Marines because the training is rigorous and intense. Anything less than that would not be conducive to the definition of a well-trained Marine.
Photos of Recruits in Training
The USMC frowns upon taking unauthorized photos of recruits who are still in training. Therefore, MarineParents.com advises you NOT to take photos of any recruits who are still in training while you are aboard MCRD. Instead, we encourage you to limit your photos and videos to just your own new Marine's platoon and training company during Family Day and Graduation.
There have actually been cases of new Marine families who have had photos deleted from their cameras by MP's on base due to taking unauthorized photos/videos. We certainly understand how much people want to see photos of their recruits during those weeks of boot camp; but we also recognize and abide by the USMC policy on respecting recruit and training privacy. Because of this, we will not approve any posts on our message boards in which members returning from graduation seek to email/distribute photos or videos they have taken of recruits still in training.
Rally to Meet Busses of Recruits
Posting about any pep rally or bus rally being planned to meet busses transporting recruits from one location to another will not be allowed on any of our message board communities. Additionally, Marine Parents and Recruit Parents discourages attendance at any pep rally or any other event with recruits in training. Posts about pep rallies will not be allowed and we discourage you attending events other than family day and graduations.