Official NEW MARINE Family Meet and Greet Before Graduation
The Meet and Greet will be held will be held at the Bay View Restaurant on MCRD San Diego each Wednesday the week of graduations. This is an MCCS function and is not associated with any fundraising activities. Reservations 619-725-6388 or MCRDMeetAndGreet.EventBrite.com
Official New Marine Family Meet and Greet at the Bay View Restaurant each Wednesday prior to Family Day at Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego will be held beginning March 6, 2015 for the May 8 graduation class and all graduating classes after May 8.
Effective February 2025, the Bay View will be going cashless. Only debit/credit card payment will be accepted.
See image below which provides information on the weekly events, sign up location and website. The event is an MCCS (Marine Corps Community Service) function and is not associated with any fundraising activities. They will have Drill Instructors at the event, along with various informational and vending booths.
For groups wanting to share slide show presentations, the Bay View does have available internet, 42" TV w/DVD player and projection screen. They do not supply laptop and projector, as they do not have an IT person. The available items, along with power can be set up for use at each event. The TV is capable of displaying laptop presentations through an Ethernet connection.
Recruits in boot camp will be provided with flyers, envelopes and stamps to send flyers to their family members.
Ticket Prices:
- Adult Dinner Ticket: $28.95
- Child Dinner Ticket (ages 5-11): $21.45
- Children under 5 are free
To make reservations call the Bay View Restaurant at 619-725-6388
or register online at www.mcrdMeetAndGreet.eventbrite.com