When to Stop Sending Letters During Boot Camp
Writing letters are the best way to stay connected to your recruit while he/she is in boot camp. You may hear someone will tell you there is a day you are supposed to stop sending letters. This may be from their own personal experience, but every situation is different.
At MarineParents.com we won't tell you when to stop sending letters to your recruits. You can send letters as close to graduation as you would like. However, we want our members and followers to be aware that while you may send letters that doesn't necessarily mean they'll make it to your recruit or Marine before graduation. The letters could eventually make it to them at the School of Infantry (SOI), or they could not. You have to decide if you'd be ok with a letter possibly floating out there for a while, or even not making it there at all.
Letters can lift a Marine/recruit's spirits and get them excited to see loved ones. Even though there is a chance that letter won't make it, there's also a chance it could. So send away!