There are literally thousands of acronyms in the United States Marine Corps (USMC) and all branches of the military and there are hundreds of new terms to learn. This reference is a starting point for recruit families—those that are most important to learn during recruit training. After graduation, there are additional resources with more terminology on the primary web site for MarineParents.com. But these are the most important to learn at this time.
For information on the structure of Recruit Training Battalions, Companies, and Platoons click here.
Terms to Know:

Marines receive classroom instruction aboard Bridgeport, California, Jan. 14, 2015.
—(USMC photo by Lance Corporal Kaitlyn Klein).
Semper Fi | Short for Semper Fidelis, Latin for "Always Faithful" |
OORAH! | Motivational statement in acknowledgement or agreement (aka OOH-RAH) |
MCRD | Marine Corps Recruit Depot, also called "The Depot" |
PI | Parris Island (MCRD PI) |
SD | San Diego (MCRD SD) |
RTB | Recruit Training Battalion |
Plt | Platoon |
DI | Drill Instructor |
SDI | Senior Drill Instructor |
CO | Commanding Officer |
CG | Commanding General |
CMC | Commandant of the Marine Corps |
MRP | Medical Rehabilitation Platoon |
PCP | Physical Conditioning Platoon |
Parade Deck | Graduation: ceremonies take place on the parade deck. Do NOT walk across the parade deck. |
Moto Run | Graduation: the last battalion run taken together on Thursday morning prior to family day |
Viewing Stands | Graduation: the bleachers for families to sit on during ceremonies |
IST | Initial Strength Test |
PFT | Physical Fitness Test |
PT | Physical Training |
IT | Boot camp term, extra attention and extra PT |
Quarter Deck | This is where you get IT'd |
Ink stick | Pen |
Lead stick | Pencil |
Knowledge | School book/notebook |
Guidon | Platoon flag |
Guide | In charge of the entire platoon, carries the guidon |
Squad Leader | In charge of the squad |
Scribe | The recruit who keeps notes and records for the DI |
House Mouse | Makes sure the cleaning supplies are put up and the "Duty Hut" is clean, usually more than one recruit |
As you were | Resume what you were doing; correction |
Aye, aye | A term used by a subordinate to a senior in acknowledgement of an order |
Carry On | An order to resume previous activity after interruption |
Weapon | M16-A4 (NEVER called a gun) |
Canteen/water bowl | Water bottle |
Moon Beam | Flashlight |
Cover | Uniform headgear |
Blouse | Any shirt that is part of the Marine Corps uniform |
Trousers | Pants |
Go Fasters | Running shoes |
Skivies | Underwear |
Portholes | Glasses (also referred to as BC glasses where the BC can stand for Boot Camp or Birth Control - Birth Control because they are so ugly there isn't a chance of...well, they're that ugly) |
Chow | Meal time, also the food itself |
Hydrate | Drinking water (a critical component of recruit training and being a Marine) |
Hygiene | Shower (or any other way to clean yourself) |
Drill | Marching |
Swab | Mop |
Mini Grinder | Little bit-o-hell (moving bunkbeds to one side so they can drill with weapons) |
Rack | Bed |
Squad Bay | Where they sleep (also referred to as "the house" or barracks) |
Duty hut | Office (Room in the Squad Bay where the DI staff has a desk, computer and a cot- the DIs are with our Recruits 24/7 they do not knock off at 5pm and get to go home) |
Head | The bathroom |
Whiskey Locker | Closet in the squad bay where cleaning supplies are kept |
Foot Locker | Recruits store their gear in a footlocker at the foot of their "rack" |
Overhead | Roof/ceiling |
Bulkhead | A wall |
Porthole | Window |
Hatch | Door |
Ladderwell | Stairs |
Port | Left |
Starboard | Right |
Bow | Front |
Aft | Back |
T-Day | Training day |
H-day | Holy day |
Doc | FMF Corpsman (FMF = Fleet Marine Force) |