MPTA Helps Marine Mother, Erin, Attend Graduation

Thank you Marine Parents Travel Assistance!
MPTA Helps Marine Mother, Erin, Attend Graduation
Posted on 8/29/2024

On Friday, August 9, 2024, Marine Parents Travel Assistance sent Erin, the Mother of a recruit, to San Diego for the recruit's graduation from Mike Company to become a Marine.

It means a lot to me to be able to attend my son's graduation. I appreciate the assistance. We have had a hard year, my daughter passed away and so much more. I had to show up for my twin sons. One of them is my son Matthew, who is now PFC. Thank you for the shirt and the assistance. Bless you all. Erin, New Marine Mom

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THE PERFECT GRADUATION GIFT! Help your Marine commemorate the achievement of a lifetime by gifting this beautiful custom engraved coin!

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