Congratulations to Doris Bell, our newest Volunteer!

Doris completed 40+ hours of training and mentoring!
Congratulations to Doris Bell, our newest Volunteer!
Posted on 6/20/2024

CONGRATULATIONS to Doris Bell who recently completed 40+ hours of training to become one of our newest volunteers for the official Facebook Groups in support of our Marine Corps family members and a place to connect and share®!

Welcome to the team, Doris!

Sale for Marine Corps Family Day at the EGA Shop

Crucible Candles to Light During the Crucible


The Crucible is the culmination of training for recruits in boot camp. Since 2005, families have lit candles during the Crucible to support their soon-to-be Marine. Order your candle today!

EGA Shop, purchase Marine Corps Clothing and Support Our Troops at the same time!
Marine Parents and the Marine Corps
Recruit Parents
Whats After Boot Camp
After The Corps