IRR Obligations and Requirements
Learn about the requirements for the Individual Ready Reserve.All Marines are required to go through the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) after their initial active-service comes to an end, unless he or she chooses to reenlist.
A Marine who wishes to remain in the IRR must be in good standing and continue to uphold the traditions of honorable service. Additionally, that Marine must accrue a minimum of 50 Reserve Retirement Credit Points during their Anniversary Year* (failure to do so can lead to denial of reenlistments/extensions for enlisted Marines and discharge for both officers and enlisted Marines).
An enlisted Marine is required to request reenlistment (or extension as required) as his or her contract nears its end, the same as active component and Selective Reserve (SelRes) Marines.
Officers who receive a Reserve commission during their initial period of active duty must positively elect to remain in the Ready Reserve within two years of their Military Service Obligation (MSO), otherwise, they will be automatically discharged.
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