If you're in the San Diego area: MUST SEE

Marine Corps Recruit Depot Command Museum
If you're in the San Diego area: MUST SEE
Posted on 3/13/2000

If you're in the San Diego area, stop in to the museum at the Recruit Depot. If you're going to graduation, your newly-minted Marine will most likely insist on it. They are proud of their history and want to share that with you. Our website offers additional information about the museum along with a slide show of images. Check it out!

On November 10th, 1987, The MCRD San Diego Command Museum opened its doors due to the hard work of Marine veterans, their families, and friends of the Marine Corps. Since its opening, the MCRD Museum has continued to expand its galleries and exhibits to cover the history of the Marine Corps in the 20th and 21st centuries, as well as the history of the Marines in Southern California.

Sale for Marine Corps Family Day at the EGA Shop

Who needs a superhero when your ____ is a Marine


One of our best selling family designs is back. Now available in dozens of colors. The front of the shirt has the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor (EGA). On the back, you choose the affiliation of your HERO!

EGA Shop, purchase Marine Corps Clothing and Support Our Troops at the same time!
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Recruit Parents
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